Moka Pot manual

A classic Italian coffee brewer that is built on the principle of a steam explosion characterized by the infusion of mocha flavors

how to make?

1. Open the lower part of the moka pot and fill its base up to the valve with boiling water

2. Fill the basket (the strainer that sits on top of the water) with finely ground coffee and flatten it (without compressing!)

3. Screw the moka pot to close and put it on a stove with low heat

4. As soon as you get the first drop of coffee from the upper tube, lower the heat as much as possible.

5. When the drink has stopped flowing, immediately pour into a glass and drink.


2 כוסות: 15 גרם קפה טחון על 150 מ״ל מים
4 כוסות: 30 גרם קפה טחון על 300 מ״ל מים

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